The Shop and Street Hepworth - 1908
Some present cities, towns, and villages in this country make much of the fact of having
been included in William the Firsts surveys of England in 1086 and 1087 when he
wanted to know the extent and taxable value of the land. There are two volumes of the
results, the Great Domesday and, of course, the Little Domesday. The first of these
covered all of the country except for Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, and for some reason
London and Winchester were completely left out. As they were the two main cities of the
land, perhaps there were already records of their value. The three Counties omitted were
put in the second volumes. Perhaps the inhabitants were more resistant and obtuse when
they learned the reason for the visitations? Whilst Hepworth is certainly included in he
Domesday Book, as it is known, we can claim to having a much older settlement in this
small valley, which is not much more than a dip in the ground but I suspect that a stream
ran along it and the surrounding woods would have provided the meat and veg. Certainly the
Romans found it to their liking as much of their pottery has been found here in recent
times by Audrey McLaughlin, Bernard Rumbelow and Neville Clarke.
Archaeological evidence is very important but photography has added a new dimension to
historical study. Here are two photos of The Street, the first taken in 1908 and the
second around 1920. The photographer(s) stood outside what is now Willowdown
house and the views are the same, looking north.
In the first picture on the right is a single building that was a shop and dwelling in the
same ownership. In the late 19th C this was kept by Ellis Anness and her daughter Clara
Bean, but in 1904 Walter Hinnells took it over until 1912 when Hannah Hinnells became the
shopkeeper. The 1908 photo probably shows both of the Hinnells, he properly aproned
and ready for business in what would

The Shop and Street Hepworth - About 1920
have been part butchers, drapers, grocers and anything else the villagers needed. The lady
on the other hand, most likely warned by the photographer of his intention, has put on her
best outfit and elegantly wears the latest fashion in the style of Queen Alexandra. She
has placed herself close to the photographer to show off her dress and wonderful hat. What
a shame it isnt a colour photo as the outfit could have been blue or whatever
colour you choose.
The old gentleman standing under the chestnut tree is George Hills, the owner of Chestnut
House as it was called then, now Chestnut Cottage, owned by David Stannard. George Hills
was born in Market Weston in 1845 and died in 1927. Apprenticed as a tailor to a Mr
Woodward in Hepworth in 1855, he later joined the Met. Police Force in 1865 but after 3
years he resigned because of a conscientious objection to working on Sundays. In 1867 he
married Julia Stevens of Walsham le Willows, and had a grocers business in London. Later
he worked for the City of London Police for 25 years as a tailor. On retirement he came
back to Hepworth. He was a devout Methodist and attended their meetings which were held in
what is now a workroom/shed/garage in David Stannards Chestnut Cottage, and a room
in Greyhound Lane, Hopton, before the Primitive Methodist Chapel, now Church House was
built in 1861.
The second building on the right is, I believe, what was then known as Chestnut Cottage, a
small, one up one down, house, which stood just to the right of the chestnut tree, now a
grassed area fronting The Street in the grounds of Chestnut Cottage. The Chestnut
tree was planted by Thomas Stevens in 1812 to mark the birth of his son Thomas.
In both photos you can see high up on the end wall of the building third from the
right what appears to be a clock, but which was in fact a weather vane mounted on the roof
with a gearing mechanism that operated an arrowed dial indicating the wind direction,
which is what you see on the wall. The next building is what is now Stone Cottages and the
end of that building, which was then three cottages, shows that adjacent to the Half
Moon P.H. was an outbuilding half the height of the cottages attached to the end
cottage. Today you can see that it has been extended upwards to form part of No 2. Stone
Cottages - look at the different brick work. Beyond Stone Cottages in the photos
there is no extension shown to Stores Cottage. The 1908 picture shows a large barn type
structure which has been replaced in the later photo by what I think is the building
used until fairly recently by Thomas Christie as his butchers shop.
The indistinct buildings on the left half hidden by the trees are those which were written
about by my wife Irene in the October issue of the Newsletter. The later photo shows
a large lamp seemingly erected on a post in the front grounds of the Primitive Methodist
Chapel, but I know that in fact the lamp was held between two posts from other evidence I
have. Where is the lamp, please?
The road surface in the first photo is not made up and Bill Goodson has told me that
this didnt happen until the 1920s when Bill, as a child, remembers walking to
Hepworth School and going up and down over the many piles of granite chippings left on the
roadside to make up the road surface which may have occurred by the time the second
photo was taken. On the road you see the form of transport that was to give way to
the other. The motor car, index FX 4142 appears to have a cloth roof which has been let
down, and a bulls eye lantern for a rear light. This car was a 10h.p.
Singer 2 seater open tourer, coloured fawn. It was first bought by the Secretary of State
for War on the 8th July, 1919. On the 21st January 1920 it was sold to Holden Davis of
Cavendish Square, London W.1. who only kept it until 2nd September of that year when he
sold it to Mrs Mary Constance Ella Barratt of 32 Norwich Street, East Dereham, Norfolk. Mr
Davis had what was then a fairly common first name for an East Anglian so he may have had
a family connection with Mrs Barratt who used the car for trade.
One final observation - the later photo of the shop shows on its end wall an oblong
tin sign depicting the Union Jack with the letters BP in a centre circle. This
was to indicate that the shop sold petrol. The British Petroleum Company, originally the
Anglo-Persian Oil Company, was at that time the UK subsidiary of the German-owned
Europaische Petroleum Union. Petrol was then usually sold from shops, sometimes from
chemists shops for doctors use (in their cars, not their prescriptions). This was in
two gallon drums. Maybe Mrs Barratt was buying petrol for her car.
The year 1937 was a very eventful one for both Florrie Pask, who got married that year,
and the inhabitants and first two buildings on the right of the photos. On Sunday,
14th November that year, Bill Goodson was cycling back to Hepworth with his friend Jack
Baker when they saw on their approach from Barningham, flames lighting up the sky in
Hepworth. The shop in the photos had caught fire. A Mr and Mrs G. Baldry and their
two children were in bed asleep when at 10 p.m. Mr Baldry was awakened by the smell of
smoke in his bedroom. He got up, looked out of the front window, and saw that the building
below him was ablaze. The family attempted to escape down the staircase but the fire
prevented this. Fortunately there was also a small rear staircase and they made their way
out of the building. Mr Baldry went next door to Chestnut Cottage and banged on the front
door to seek help. Mr Butcher, who lived there, thought the local neer do wells were
playing a prank on him, so he didnt answer the knocks, but eventually did. Local
villagers managed to save Mr Butchers furniture from the fire which had also caught
his house alight, but they could do nothing to save anything of Mr Baldrys so
intense was the blaze. Lost in the fire was a valuable oil painting which Mr Baldry had
recently refused to sell to a dealer. Both buildings were destroyed in 20 minutes, the
fire was so fierce. Also burnt down was a barn belonging to Mr Twigg, which had been
situated at the rear of the shop. The Fire Brigade from Bury St Edmunds attended. They ran
their hoses to a small pond almost opposite (probably in the entrance to the meadow at the
back of the Primitive Methodist Chapel) but this was quickly drained, so further hoses
were run down The Street to ponds at Hepworth Hall House and the meadow opposite. Neville
Clarke remembers that he was awoken (he then lived in the centre cottage of Stone
Cottages) by the thump, thump, thump, of the firemens boots. The hoses leaked and
Bill Goodson saw the water freeze in the night frost.
Some of the Fire Brigade didnt leave the scene until 10am the next day. A Police
Inspector from Ixworth was there with Police Constables from Barningham, Hopton and
Over the next few days Neville Clarke, with a brother and sister, searched amongst the
debris of the fire and found some burnt and scorched coins, tanners,
shillings, two bobs, and some copper. The money was not accepted by
shopkeepers, so they got their friendly coalman, Mr Backlog, to exchange it at the bank,
no doubt at a percentage. Mr Backlog used to deliver lorry loads of coal to Nevilles
mother and she would sell it by the sackful to villagers from a shed where Anton
Woodwards new wooden garage is now between Stone Cottages and the Community Post
I wonder what became of the BP tin sign, they tell me it would be worth a good deal of
money now.
And I wonder if the shop still sold petrol in 1937?
After this was originally published I received a letter from a Mrs. B.M. Coppin who was
the daughter of the Baldrys and present in the shop when the fire happened in 1937.
She claimed that there were mistakes in my account and she wanted to know the
origins as she put it. I quote from her letter as it may be of further interest:
My mother, a widow with two children, myself and older brother who was a boarder
at an agricultural college in Basingstoke, came to Hepworth in 1932/1933 from Lawshall to
take over the shop in Hepworth. In September 1934 she married Mr. J. Baldry who at that
time farmed Red House Farm which is no longer there. It was my mother who discovered the
fire which was at the back of the house so wouldn't have been seen looking from the
bedroom window in the front of the house. I have no memory of a barn at the rear of the
house just a large back garden. To the side of the house was an orchard with a building on
it, perhaps this was the barn referred to? I wonder why the Fire Brigade didn't use the
water from the well at the side of the house and if the buildings were destroyed in twenty
minutes they would have all gone before the Fire Brigade arrived from Bury St. Edmunds.
The blaze was probably made worse as nearly all supplies were delivered monthly and
November would have included extra for Christmas baking. Butter, margarine, lard, sugar of
all kinds, dried fruit, bacon, all stuff which would have burned quickly. Plus the shop
stocked cartridges for the farmers guns as well as chicken and pig food. As far as I can
remember we never sold petrol but did have paraffin as villagers used it for lighting and
cooking. Might this have been why the B.P. sign was on the house?
We took over from Mrs. Ayers but I have no idea how long she had been there. On the night
of the (
) we were taken in by the Rowell family who lived opposite and villagers
rallied round to provide us with clothes as we only had the nightclothes we were wearing
when we left the house. We then moved in to live with my step fathers son Thomas,
his wife and son Ken in the council houses on the right hand side of the road going
towards the crossroads. Thomas is dead now but his widow and son, as far as I know are
still there.
Naturally I replied to Mrs. Coppin who strangely enough gave her address as 36
Coppins Road, Clacton.
I told her of my sources for the article which were the photos, excerpts from 19th C
diaries, records kept by archivists at Dorset County Council, the British Petroleum
Company, the memories of Neville Clarke and Bill Goodson and reports by Audrey McLaughlin
and Bernard Rumbelow. The account of the fire came from a report in The Bury Free Press
and Post as it was then called. This was dated Saturday 20th November, 1937. This research
took much time (and money!)
I reported to Mrs. Coppin that there was then no one living in the village called Rowell
and that I regretted that Mrs. Baldry who had been living at No. 4 The Street had since
I have heard nothing more from Mrs. Coppin.
Len Caton.